
Serato Flip - Remix and Recreate your Tracks

Create custom edits, extend and re-imagine your music. This is possible by recording your cue point and censor actions/automation, which can be saved and looped, ready to re-trigger and start in an instant. Create and save up to 6 Flips per track.

Our price  €45,00 Sold out

Features & System requirements

Remix and recreate your tracks

Flip is an easy way to start creating edits, directly in Serato DJ Pro. This simple, yet effective control set lets you record and playback cue points as well as censor actions.

Easily extend, shorten, edit, remix or reshuffle… with Serato Flip you have the power to reimagine tracks in unlimited ways and make seamless transitions.

So many ways to Flip

Make clean edits, extend intros or outros, create transistions, skip parts of a track, or even remix it completely.

Prepare and save

Record Flips on the fly or prepare them in Practice Mode. Save up to six different Flips per track without changing the original.

Perfect edits every time

Turn Quantize on when using cue points with Flip to get professional sounding edits that on beat.

System Requirements:

  • Windows 10
    Windows 11
  • CPU 2 GHz SSE (Multicore 2.5 GHz recommended)
  • RAM 1 GB (8 GB Recommended)
  • A DAW supporting VST 2, AAX, or Audio Unit plugin standards
Mac OS X
  • macOS 12 Monterey
    macOS 11 Big Sur
    macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • CPU
    Intel: i3, i5, i7, i9
    Apple: M1
    AMD: Ryzen
  • Screen Resolution 1280 x 720
  • Ram 4 GB (8 GB Recommended)
  • USB Available USB 2.0 port

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